A few summers ago, my sister lived in Baltimore for an internship at Johns Hopkins hospital. Baltimore is a place much like Detroit in many respects -maligned, racially segregated, but very proud and working toward a better future. I had the good fortune of being able to visit my sister a couple times that summer. There are many wonderful things about that city and I will definitely touch on them at a later point, but perhaps the best of those things is a life-changing food product called Berger Cookies. These cookies are made in Baltimore and are only directly sold in and around that city, but they can also be purchased via the internet. Twice a year, I indulge in my favorite and most ridiculous purchase of the year when I buy about 15 boxes of these cookies and have them sent via FedEx. A typical Berger cookie has about 1/2 an inch of cookie, and another 1/2 an inch of frosting on top of the cookie. Yesterday, though, as I tore into a new box, I came upon the greatest food-related blessing of my lifetime.
The bottom picture is a typical Berger cookie. Delicious. The top picture is some sort of super-Berger-cookie-freak-of-nature: frosting on top AND on bottom. I had to sit down for a couple of minutes to regain my breath after catching a glimpse of this natural wonder. No other entity but a generous and benevolent God could be responsible for this perfection.
Bottom line: appreciate the little things in life. Also, try Berger cookies.
That's hilarious. Congratulations on such a wonderful discovery.
And I'm so glad I have the opportunity to comment on your blog. Where's my free gift? :)
Carolyn, the gift is in the friendship that we will continue to nurture and grow for the rest of our days. And the check I'm sending you.
The top cookie is definitly a diety. If I had as much saliva as I did back in my camel days, I would be swimming in a pool of my own salivary goodness. I would love to challenge you to a Berger cookie-eating contest. I'm sure you remember what an endless vat of unnecessary wasteland radiation my stomach is from those long hard hours of food indulgence and consumption at Michigania. I wish I believed in Buddhism because surely Buddha and his followers ate the best cookies and assorted delectables. I linked your blog on my blog page now too Ken. It's been there a few days and has a few clicks already. Word of Mouth is vital to success in this cutthroat blogging industry. Oh, and your sister had an internship at JOHNS HOPKINS!? Wow, I had no idea she was that deep into medicine. I thought she traveled on peace-keeping missions for the Blue-Cross Blue-Shield "No Black Kid Left Behind" initiative. But seriously, tell me more about her internship there as I am an aspiring medicine man. Possibly psychology, but I am interested and intrigued. Adio.
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