Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Today Show and You - Advertising Juggernauts

Tomorrow, NBC's The Today Show is going to be partially broadcasting from Campus Martius park in downtown Detroit. Partially means that we get the 'B' team of Al Roker and Ann Curry while Vieira and Lauer hang back in New York, but half of the team definitely deserves half of our jaded anticipation.

The Today Show B team is travelling to various cities that are contained within election battleground states, and tomorrow, they cast their attention on Michigan and Detroit. It is nice to be important for 3 months out of every four years. Locals are encouraged to head to the production area in Campus Martius just like the tourist bumpkins in New York to huddle behind Al and Ann with crudely drawn signs with slogans like "GO TO HTTP://WeAreOfMichigan.BLOGSPOT.COM" or "THE BEST BLOG IN THE WORLD IS HTTP://WeAreOfMichigan.BLOGSPOT.COM" If you successfully pull that off, I will give you $20 - quantity negotiable.

I find The Today Show to be one of the funniest shows on television - not because of its comic merit, but because of the show's progression from the first hour to the last hour (hosted by Kathy Lee Gifford). The first couple hours are typically pretty legitimate national and international news, the third hour is news mixed with human interest stories, the fourth hour is cooking demonstrations and toothpaste recommendations, and the fifth hour is about how to wear tankinis that hide your trouble areas. The show thinks they know exactly who they are targeting after 10 am on a weekday morning, but little do they know, I am also interested in what types of tankinis will hide my trouble areas for summer fun.

If you happen to have some free time tomorrow morning or are taking a touring Today Show-related vacation, I recommend joining the crowd behind the show and advertising your favorite blog and mine, this one. I will not be there, but that is only because of Al Roker's restraining order against me.

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