Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mercy Making News

This story is odd to me for so many reasons. The fine tooth comb that people apply to certain elements of their lives is astounding.

A little under a week ago, the website reported some news that no human should have the capability to even identify as news, and because it is somewhat about Mercy High School in Farmington Hills, it is suitable fodder for me. My sister, cousins, and many of my friends back in the day attended Mercy High School, and my recent marriage brought me some new cousins who are also students at Mercy. Because of this, I'm aware that Mercy now requires its students to purchase and use HP tablet computers at the expense of their parents. I believe this policy formally started this year, so all freshwomen henceforth will be toting around more technology than most college students can afford. Rock those tablets, ladies.

What's crazy is that some random individual (either a parent or immensely creepy internet lurker who hangs around and studies the minutiae of all-girls high school websites) identified that the "HP2740p" tablet required by the "Mercy Computing Package" is big news as a previously-unannounced tablet computer. This story was big enough to be picked up by some of the big boys in internet gadgetry and electronics like Engadget, again proving that thanks to the internet, even the tiniest details of life cannot escape scrutiny. Congratulations, some weirdo out there, for beating the formal announcement of the HP2740p by a few days!

1 comment:

Dan Anderson said...

rediculous as it may be, i wish my parents were forced to buy one for me @ that age
